LWML – www.lwml.org
LWML CNH – www.lwmlcnh.org
LCMS – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
CNH – California-Nevada-Hawaii
LWML – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (also known as Lutheran Women in Mission)
EC – Executive Committee
BOD – Board of Directors
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – All elected and appointed personnel
BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Elected and appointed EC members and Zone Presidents
LWML CNH PERSONNEL ROSTER – The Personnel Roster is a listing of all EC elected and appointed personnel, departmental committee members, and zone presidents.
ROSTER OF ZONE OFFICERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN – Zone Presidents shall update their zone roster annually in the fall, or as changes occur in their zone board members.
MEETINGS – Meetings are scheduled well in advance for your planning convenience.
EC Meetings – EC meetings are held twice a year on a Friday, one in the winter and one in summer. All elected LWML CNH EC members attend the EC meeting. Appointed EC members attend at the request of the President.
BOD Meetings – BOD meetings are held twice a year on a Saturday, following the EC meeting, one in the winter and one in the summer. Zone Presidents and EC members (elected and appointed) attend the BOD meeting.
EC REPORTS – All EC members shall prepare a written report using the Report Writing Guidelines and email their report to the LWML CNH President and a copy to the Secretary to the President, by the report deadline date.
ZONE PRESIDENT’S REPORT FORM – Zone Presidents shall complete the Zone President’s Report Forms and send it to the LWML CNH President and the Secretary to the President, by the report deadline date. Click here for the form.
Meeting Agenda and Handouts – Prior to the meeting, you will receive an email with the meeting agenda and a MS Word document with all reports that are in order according to the agenda. A few loose reports may be handed out separately.
Biennial Planning Meeting – The EC (elected and appointed) and all departmental committee members attend a biennial Planning Meeting in September. Zone Presidents do not attend this meeting.
TRAVEL TO MEETINGS – If you request, the LWML CNH will reimburse round trip mileage at the current rate (currently 50 cents per mile). A copy of a MapQuest or similar map printout with your mileage must be provided every time you request reimbursement for mileage to the LWML CNH meeting. Expense forms are distributed at each meeting.
LODGING – You may request lodging on your Registration Form. The Secretary to the President will make all hotel reservations. Expense forms are distributed at each meeting.
MEALS – LWML CNH provides the following meals:
Friday EC meetings:
TRAVEL COMPANIONS – Occasionally, a Zone President or EC member, may have a travel companion.
LWML – www.lwml.org
LWML CNH – www.lwmlcnh.org
LCMS – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
CNH – California-Nevada-Hawaii
LWML – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (also known as Lutheran Women in Mission)
EC – Executive Committee
BOD – Board of Directors
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – All elected and appointed personnel
- Elected officers serve a four (4) year term. Elected officers attend all EC meetings and have voice and vote at meetings, except for Pastoral Counselors. Pastoral Counselors have voice but no vote at meetings.
- Advisory and special appointed personnel are appointed by the President to serve a two (2) year term and attend EC and BOD meetings at the request of the President. They may be re-appointed by the President to serve a second two (2) year term. They have voice but no vote at meetings.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Elected and appointed EC members and Zone Presidents
- Elected EC members and Zone Presidents attend all BOD meetings and have voice and vote at meetings. When a Zone President is unable to attend a Board of Directors meeting, any elected zone officer shall be authorized to attend as a zone's representative and shall have voice and vote. If the zone representative is not an elected zone officer, she will have voice only at the meeting.
LWML CNH PERSONNEL ROSTER – The Personnel Roster is a listing of all EC elected and appointed personnel, departmental committee members, and zone presidents.
- The roster is for official LWML use only.
- Please advise the Secretary to the President if your information needs updating.
ROSTER OF ZONE OFFICERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN – Zone Presidents shall update their zone roster annually in the fall, or as changes occur in their zone board members.
- Send the zone roster to the Secretary to the President and she will make further distribution to EC members. Click here for the form.
MEETINGS – Meetings are scheduled well in advance for your planning convenience.
- A “Notice of Meeting” and “Registration Form” is sent by email to all attendees approximately three weeks before the meeting. The registration form must be completed and returned to the Secretary to the President by the deadline date on the form.
- Conflict of Interest Form and Participant Information Form – The Secretary to the President shall ensure all meeting participants have current forms on file and are available at all meetings. New forms are distributed to those attending an EC/BOD meeting for the first time. The Participant Information Form includes your medical information, contact person’s information, etc. If changes occur on your existing form, please notify the Secretary to the President and complete a new form.
EC Meetings – EC meetings are held twice a year on a Friday, one in the winter and one in summer. All elected LWML CNH EC members attend the EC meeting. Appointed EC members attend at the request of the President.
- EC meetings are held at the LCMS CNH Ministry Center in Livermore, unless scheduled, in advance, at another location.
- If an EC member is unable to attend the meeting, she/he should notify the LWML CNH President and the Secretary to the President, requesting to be excused from the meeting.
BOD Meetings – BOD meetings are held twice a year on a Saturday, following the EC meeting, one in the winter and one in the summer. Zone Presidents and EC members (elected and appointed) attend the BOD meeting.
- BOD meetings are held at the LCMS CNH Ministry Center in Livermore, unless scheduled, in advance, at another location.
- If the Zone President is unable to attend the meeting, she must notify the LWML CNH President and the Secretary to the President, requesting to be excused from the meeting and advise who will represent their zone at the meeting. Then, forward the notice of the meeting and registration form to the zone representative so that person can register for the meeting.
EC REPORTS – All EC members shall prepare a written report using the Report Writing Guidelines and email their report to the LWML CNH President and a copy to the Secretary to the President, by the report deadline date.
ZONE PRESIDENT’S REPORT FORM – Zone Presidents shall complete the Zone President’s Report Forms and send it to the LWML CNH President and the Secretary to the President, by the report deadline date. Click here for the form.
Meeting Agenda and Handouts – Prior to the meeting, you will receive an email with the meeting agenda and a MS Word document with all reports that are in order according to the agenda. A few loose reports may be handed out separately.
Biennial Planning Meeting – The EC (elected and appointed) and all departmental committee members attend a biennial Planning Meeting in September. Zone Presidents do not attend this meeting.
TRAVEL TO MEETINGS – If you request, the LWML CNH will reimburse round trip mileage at the current rate (currently 50 cents per mile). A copy of a MapQuest or similar map printout with your mileage must be provided every time you request reimbursement for mileage to the LWML CNH meeting. Expense forms are distributed at each meeting.
LODGING – You may request lodging on your Registration Form. The Secretary to the President will make all hotel reservations. Expense forms are distributed at each meeting.
- EC members may request overnight lodging since they attend a 2-day meeting.
- Zone Presidents traveling more than 100 miles one way may need overnight lodging and are eligible for reimbursement.
- If you are eligible for reimbursement, you may submit an expense form requesting up to half of the total room cost as per diem to offset your lodging.
- Each person is responsible to pay their portion of the hotel bill when checking out. If you prefer to room with a specific person or room alone, please indicate that on your registration form. If you are eligible for reimbursement for half of the room rate and you’d like to room alone, you will be responsible to pay for the other half of the room rate.
- Note: If you are not eligible for your lodging to be paid by LWML CNH but would like to arrive on Friday for your convenience, the Secretary to the President will make your hotel reservation and you will be responsible to pay for your room. Every effort will be made to pair you with another person, unless you prefer to room alone.
- The hotel provides a continental breakfast.
MEALS – LWML CNH provides the following meals:
Friday EC meetings:
- An afternoon snack and dinner will be provided.
- A continental breakfast is provided for attendees arriving on Saturday morning.
- Lunch and a snack will be provided during the meeting.
TRAVEL COMPANIONS – Occasionally, a Zone President or EC member, may have a travel companion.
- On Friday – Travel companions may have dinner with the EC members, if arrangements are made in advance with the Secretary to the President. Travel companions who sign up to join the EC for dinner, will be asked to donate the dollar amount for their dinner.
- On Saturday – Travel companions may have continental breakfast and lunch with us. If seating is at full capacity in the meeting room, guests may eat with their LWMLer in another room.